A review by kellygorman
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston


hmmm this is tough. i wanted to like this so bad, but in the end it didn’t do it for me. the concept was cute, but seriously under thought. i’m not gonna be that annoying bitch that talks about the mechanisms of time travel when this book clearly wasn’t focused on that, but it seriously lost me at some points. i think it could’ve been better explained how it works with the apartment and stuff at the beginning. also there was some missed potential here that could’ve made this so much better — spoiler here, but she SHOULD NOT have seen her aunt at the end. big no from me, and then we never even saw that conversation because god knows what that would’ve been. i just disliked the implications there a lot. also, i think this book would’ve been sooo much better from iwans POV with alternating future and past chapters where he slowly discovers the girl is from the future, instead we got whiny ass clementine (jk i’m sorry i actually liked clementine, she was just a teensy weensy bit boring sometimes). i also DO NOT f with romance books where they fall in love right away, and this was very much that. omg and not to be mean but the writing was noooooot good at some points. like painfully millennial, left me staring into empty middle distance contemplating if i should DNF. dialogue, too. iwan was seriously giving manic pixie dream boy 

OK NOW FOR SOME POSITIVES— i loved the aunt, loved the setting, and some sections actually were surprisingly heartfelt. also loved the themes of change and acceptance etc etc very well executed. 

i mean clearly i’m in the minority here  because this book has over 4 stars and a billion recommendations on tiktok. genuinely, what am i missing here??? everyone thought this book was so clever and cute, but i saw every plot twist coming from a mile away and was honestly annoyed by both main characters, including iwan who i could not be less attracted to. has the standard for book boyfriend turned into just “man with a personality???” i don’t know, i think i’m just upset because i thought this was going to be a five star book and it just wasn’t for me. 

i’m still giving this three stars because i think the author covered topics like self discovery and moving on from grief really nicely, and the attempt at a cute story was there. i think this could’ve been like at least 4 stars if the writing was better i’m sorry