A review by jessicabeckett
Edwin: High King of Britain by Edoardo Albert


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Before I start my review, I would like to clarify that I’ve rated this book a 3.5; nearly a 4 out of 5 stars. Second, let’s take a moment to talk about how stunning the cover art Edwin has. It’s absolutely perfect and while you mustn’t judge a book by its cover, I have to admit, the cover intrigued me.

Lastly, Edwin isn’t a novel I would typically pick up on my own.

In spite of my preference, it was still an intriguing read that will bring you into the folds of history. Any history buff will appreciate this novel and all it tells; it’s the perfect gift.

Edwin is a vivid, sometimes violent and descriptive, piece of historical fiction which takes place in England in 604AD.

Full review: http://bookgirl.co.vu/post/114706242134/edwin-high-king-of-britain-by-edoardo-albert