A review by ashleyanreads
Anton by Brenda Rothert


I have been eyeing this series for a while..I mean who wouldn't. Such a hottie on the cover.

Anton is the the Captain of the Chicago Blaze and for the past 2 years has had his eyes on his teammate, Adam's wife, Mia. Even though the feelings he has for her are strong. He is respectable and does not pursue Mia as he would never want her to cheat on her husband. He goes to the bar one evening with his brother, and he see her working there. Shock by this development, he approaches her and ends up giving her a ride up.

We find out Mia, has left her husband and is trying to get him to divorce her but he will not give. He is emotionally and verbally abusive and she wants. out. Mia is hiding from Adam, living in a two bedroom apartment with a woman and her son, working at a bar and attending college. After that night when Anton gives her a ride, he lets her know that he just wants to be friends. Although we know and he wishes for more, he understands the situation and wants to be there for her in any way he can. They develop a friendship, even though they both want more. Things get interesting when Anton ends up asking Mia to assist taking care of his Uncle Dix, who by the way, had me in tears laughing with everything that came out of that mans mouth. lol

This read was a slow burn, but it kept you intrigued because you wanted to know what and how Mia was going to get away from her husband and if Anton and Mia were going to have their moment .. ;) It had that insta love vibe, with Anton pretty much falling for her the minute he saw her at an event. Friends to lovers as they truly formed a friendship before getting intimate.

I am thankful, while reading this, Anton stood his ground and did not condone cheating. Neither did Mia. Mia and her husbands relationship was toxic and the way he talked to her was disrespectful and abusive. There is a scene with domestic violence...FYI. Now the thing that had me laughing through the book was Anton's Uncle Dix. This guy is dirty! lol The comments that flew out of his mouths were hilarious. He and Mia formed a special relationship and I am happy that she had him in her corner as well.