A review by chemicalpoisons
I Feel Like Going On: Life, Game, and Glory by Daniel Paisner, Ray Lewis


First things first, the entire book, from the preface to the acknowledgements, is written from Ray Lewis' point of view, so that should set the tone early enough on what kind of book experience it is going to be.

Now, to the contents themselves. His narrative is certainly enlightening when it comes to days and years we have not had previous exposure at. His childhood rough life, his prowess as a youngster to Pop Warner leagues, and the subsequent relationships he made or were torn from him while he was a high school student or in the university of Miami. To those who will ask, yes; there is an entire chapter dedicated to the Atlanta incident, and its impact after the events.

It's a good book if you are a fan of Ray. I enjoyed hearing things from his perspective, but I could do less with his religious references at every possible time; they almost sound too good to be true when they are so often repeated. I would have also preferred he spoke more about the games he has had, some untold stories he could share, since he was with the Ravens from their conception. Unfortunately, there aren't enough inside scoops to glee at. And maybe it's a blessing that this book is not that long.