A review by vernip
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, Vol. 3, Volume 3 by Hideyuki Furuhashi


TV Tropes defines the word Expy as "short for 'exported character.' A character from one series who is unambiguously and deliberately based on a character in another, older series. A few minor traits, such as age or hair color, may change, but there's no doubt that they are almost one and the same."
Instead of reviews, I'll just keep a running tally of Expies per volume. Enjoy!

- Booster Gold (I know most people wanna say Superman, but Captain Celebrity is clearly Booster Gold with a cape. The artist notes that he's a hilarious amalgamation of 4 different sources, but I think we know that's Booster Gold with a helluva chin.)
- Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro (Yes, I was shocked too!)