A review by kaylasbookishlife
Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China by Leta Hong Fincher


Warning: Discussion of SA.

I really enjoyed learning about the feminist movement in China. I think the author did a great laying out why these feminists were arrested and how the judicial system in China is set up. I am still confused as to why speaking out against sexual assault would be considered illegal but the actual assault not illegal.

I rated this 4 instead of 5 for two main reasons.

1. At times the flow of the writing was confusing. I felt like sometimes sentences were worded in an odd way and the author would jump around a bit too much in one section making it a little confusing to keep all the names straight.

2. I felt like the author could have talked more about the impact on the Uyghur women. She did touch on it briefly and discussed child limitation policies and a crackdown on religious and cultural freedom as well as fighting between the Uyghur and the Han population. However I felt like she missed the opportunity to discuss forced sterilizations and 're-education' programs that are designed to convince these women to have less children.

I make a point of number 2 because the author did bring up Uyghur women and their rights/violations in the book, thus extending the topic beyond the main group of women so I think if she is going to bring it up then she should have included a wider discussion of the topic.