A review by becsa
The Guardian: #1 Mended Souls by Jacquie Biggar


Lucas Carmichael, Scott Anderson and Natalya Anderson are involved in a horrific car accident when Lucas ends up crashing into a family when he crosses over the center line. Scott is the only survivor from the car he is in and in the other car the driver and his wife's unborn baby do not survive.

As Lucas ends up in "transition" he is sent back as an angel to make something of his life and do right. Yet he is partnered up with a man bent on some vengeance. As Lucas struggles with doing the right thing he definitely has his work cut out for him.

Scott struggles with the guilt of surviving and meets the medical examiner, Tracy York, who may be under some danger herself.

Soon Scott and Tracy realize they are in danger themselves and with the help of an angel they may just make it out ok but who will help the angel?

This was definitely an interesting read although I must admit I was mad at the end (sorry can't spoil it)!

I think we start off thinking one way about Lucas and Scott and then we gradually come around when we learn more about them and the situation they were in.

I liked Scott and how he really was trying to turn his life around in the book as he knew it hadn't gotten out of hand from what he had wanted. Lucas was a bit more confusing as I thought at times he was changing and then he would make a mistake that made me wonder but he ultimately made some sacrifices for sure.

Tracy was a great person who found out the truth that wasn't supposed to get out and was therefore was wanted silenced. Her scenes with Dustin were great and it'll be interesting to see if they remain friendly if the series continues.

I could understand the pain that Mike was in but I really was frustrated that he didn't learn the truth about what happened the night of the car accident and he was also not present when everything went down with Ray. I'm definitely worried about where his actions may lead him in future books.

Hopefully the author keeps this series up!