A review by rogoreads
Ogres by Adrian Tchaikovsky


I probably would have enjoyed this story more in shorter form. As is, I had to work to keep going, especially in the first half. I found the second-person narration clunky here, a little too distant for me to sink into the story. Too reliant on archetypes as well--they're frequently called out, which created a mood that the story itself doesn't fully care either. Basically, it's a concept story, and the concept has to be very good for me to overlook a shallow main character. I might have been more impressed if I hadn't already read [b:Elder Race|50663055|Elder Race|Adrian Tchaikovsky|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1614008015l/50663055._SY75_.jpg|75680379] last year, because (mild spoilers) I've literally seen the author play with the concept of fantasy vs. sci fi/magic vs. science in that story, and I preferred it there.

I'm in a minority, though; if the story intrigues you, give it a shot and you might also love it. There are some interesting twists to discover.