A review by 5hadow_girl
The Worst Kind of Monster: A Short Horror Story by Shaun Hupp


[b:The Worst Kind of Monster: A Short Horror Story|23002801|The Worst Kind of Monster A Short Horror Story|Shaun Hupp|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1408548105s/23002801.jpg|42568576] powerful & thought provoking short story by [a:Shaun Hupp|8426880|Shaun Hupp|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1442982650p2/8426880.jpg].

I thought I knew where the story was heading - but I was caught off guard!
I really hope that the author will revisit Dustin one day - introduce us to him as an adult, and touch on the nature vs. nurture battle that will be raging within him.