A review by hjmo
Lady of the Forest by Jennifer Roberson


DNF at 10%. There is some quality and promising aspects to this story and the writing. I wasn't a fan of the prologue, for me it seemed to give things away instead of generating interest in what was to come. I mean it's Robin Hood retelling, we kind of know the roles of the major characters without her spelling it out. The setting was well drawn out and the cast of characters well sketched to begin with. Honestly I bet this could be a great read there were just two things I couldn't get past.
First the head hopping. In the Sheriff's head for three paragraphs, then in Robin's head for two, then back to the Sheriff for a some dialgue before jumping to a third/fourth/fifth POV. What was worse they hops aren't well signposted with breaks or in the text itself. So it often took a sentence or two to orient myself-perhaps this is an issue with the Kindle edition? Second, it's just really long, too long for me to endure confusing POV switching plus the potential of struggling through two more books just to get the full story. It was an exhausting prospect. I still want to read a Robin Hood retelling but I'm not going to make it this one.