A review by ac223
Club Shadowlands by Cherise Sinclair


While I enjoyed Club Shadowlands, I enjoyed the Mountain Masters more. Master Z is just as enticing as Jake and Logan, but I think it was the environment. Obviously most of the book takes place in the club, so I never really felt their relationship was anything more than sex until the end. I haven't looked yet, but I hope Cullen is next up. He was by far the more interesting than any other characters. Rebecca is an accountant, conservative, with a fiery temper. She wrecks her car in the middle of a storm, and is forced to walk for help. Of course the only place nearby is the BDSM club, Club Shadowlands. When she arrives freezing, and soaked to the bone, she is given two choices. She can stay in the entryway, dry off and wait for the storm to blow over. Or she can read the rules, sign the release, and join the fun. She signs without reading, and is surprised at what she walks into. Master Z has no problem giving her a tour. She knows she shouldn't enjoy it, but decides she should try it before she walks away, and never gets another opportunity.

**********************************Recap/ Spoilers*************************************
Rebecca is thoroughly immersed in the lifestyle her first night there. A week goes by, and even though she wants to, she talks herself out of going. She assumes that Master Z will have moved on to a different woman, and not even remember her. She decides to avoid the potential embarrassment, and stay home, until a package arrives. A negligee sent by Mr. Z, because of course it's negligee night at the club. His gift gives her the answer she needs, he remembers her, and she joins him again at the club. They do a sexy scene, cuddle, and go to his private home upstairs. Once she is there she can't help but think that she is falling for a guy who never wanted her for more than sex. She attempts to leave, he admits his love, and they live happily ever after. Well not quite, but almost.