A review by theunabridgedlifeofsalamacita
Becoming by Michelle Obama


Favorite quote: “At 54 I am still in progress and I hope that I always will be. For me becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn't end."

In this captivating memoir, Michelle Obama takes us on a journey that begins with her childhood and ends with her place in time when the book was published.

In this memoir, Michelle is unapologetically candid and lays out her emotions in the most delightfully vulnerable manner allowing the reader to experience them alongside her, raw and real as they may be.

Michelle takes us back to her childhood home in the Southside of Chicago and even describes components from the youth of her parents. In this part of the journey we come to know her and her values including the significance of spending quality time with family, the strive to work tirelessly and achieve goals, and the unique challenges she faced that were brought on by racial disparities.

What I loved most about this book is how relatable Michelle is to the audience. She allows us into the most intimate parts of her life including her insecurities, her love for and marriage with Barack-the good and the works in progress, her ambitions, her motherhood, and so much more.

She allows us to see her grow out of the teenager that cared so much about how the world viewed her into the magnanimous powerful woman that she has become and continues to be.

Michelle taught us the importance of being involved in politics, the importance of following our dreams, and most importantly the love that comes from nurturing everyone around us including ourselves.

I highly recommend the audiobook because hearing her narrate her story was the icing on the cake.