A review by jen_librarian
Cthulhurotica by Carrie Cuinn


This is my first foray into the world of the Cthulhu Mythos - I actually had no previous exposure other than seeing some of the games based on Cthulhu. For anyone who isn't familiar with Lovecraft and Cthulhu, I recommend reading the essays at the end of the book first as they provide a good introduction and are actually fairly engaging.

With that said, while all the stories were well-written, they aren't really my genre of choice. I am not a big fan of horror. However, there were a few stories that really stuck with me and that I actually enjoyed. If you are a fan of horror blended with erotica (some stories more than others), then you will enjoy this book. You'll probably enjoy it even more if you have read any of Lovecraft's work, as many of the references will make more sense.

Overall, the stories are well-written, just not my taste.