A review by esmeem
Broken and Screwed 2 by Tijan


You were my fucking sanctuary, that’s what you were to me. You were my guilty indulgence. I should’ve stayed away from you, but I couldn’t. I still can’t. Jeezus. Look at me. I’m damn near on my knees here.

So. This was hot. I've been re-reading Tijan books in one sitting, because I'm just in the mood for some angsty romance and this is just that. Tijan writes the best fucked-up-main-character-and-hot-brooding-male romance and I love it. I read these books in one setting, they're just that addictive. I upped my rating for this book from 4 to 5 stars. I don't even know why I only gave it 4 stars in the first place. This is once of my favourite contemporary books and I loved it even more the second time around (well obviously, since the rating went up, but whatever). I loved Jesse and Alex, and how it all came together. I also really liked that Alex finally met some friends who were not constantly trying to screw her over or backstab her. Jesse was sweet in this book, showing his love for Alex a bit more every time, supporting her through all the issues she had to work through and being protective and just cute about her. I was a bit annoyed with Alex at times, but in a sense that made her realistic. Of course someone is going to be fucked up after losing their brother and being dumped by their parents. It doesn't just magically go away. She did not act like the special perfect virgin girl who is going to magically change the brooding angry love interest, like most main characters in the contemporaries I've read. So yeah, great book if you're looking for a hot angsty romance. I'm going to continue my Tijan binge for sure.