A review by jenibus
Reverb by Anna Zabo


Ugh this was such good representation of a trans love story, says the cis girl.

I have loved all three of Anna Zabo's Twisted Wishes books for their well developed characters across the LGBT+ spectrum with compelling relationships. Upon hearing that book three was going to be all about bass player Mish, I was so excited. She's always been my favorite member of the Twisted Wishes band and the fact that Anna Zabo, a primarily m/m author, was going to tell her story made me so happy. There are other authors who primarily write m/m that seem incapable of writing female characters but Zabo is no such author. They wrote a tender and lovely story that might be my favorite of the three. Also it's a bodyguard romance trope?? Yes please!

I won't ever claim to be any sort of expert on the subject of trans rep, but David was such a nuanced character and his depiction brought me joy. There was no dead naming of him, his trans-ness wasn't used as a character prop. He was a trans man who had been through a lot but at this point in his life knew who he was. No dramatic OMG THIS PERSON USSSEEEDDDD TO BE ANOTHER GENDER GASP SHOCK HORROR reveal, which is one of the reasons why I love Zabo's work so much. A person being on the LGBT+ spectrum is not used as a dramatic reveal, it's just a fact. There also were several uplifting and heartwarming minor scenes of David helping young trans teens which just made me happy.