A review by kzimm2024
Sapphire Flames by Ilona Andrews


Re-read Jan 2024, just as good as ever since it is easier to shift to Catalina/Alessandro now :)
I love the banter and am happy to be reading these stories again! Now that I know who Caesar is and the mysterious grandfather, it's fun to see what I missed during the other re-reads.

Its like we get to see a new set of characters, and the bloom of Bern and Runa!
Bug is hilarious:
Bug turned to me. “I have been chasing that shit monkey all over the fucking city. He destroyed three of my drones. He mocked me.”

“What part of ‘drop it’ don’t you understand?”
“The part where you keep interfering with my investigation and shooting people I need to interrogate.”
“Interrogate? I must not understand the meaning of that word, because from where I’m sitting, you blunder around asking people questions until they try to kill you.”

Grandma Frida:
I turned and looked at her. Grandma flexed her arm. “Ride or die.”
I squinted at her. “I’m still mad at you for ratting me out.”
“You looked like death warmed over,” Grandma said. “You may be the Head of House Baylor, but you’re still my granddaughter and I won’t be taking any of your bullshit.”
“How is my sweater coming along, Grandma? Have you knitted more than two inches yet?”
Grandma Frida gave me the Look of Death.

This was priceless:
He turned the frame, so I could see his picture in it. “Smoochie poo?”
“It’s Italian for ass clown. What are you doing in my room?”
“Admiring your taste in arts and crafts?” He tilted the frame. “The application of glitter could use some work.”
“Have you ever tried making a mess, Catalina?”
“I don’t make messes, I clean them up.”
And now I was sounding like a renegade detective from some edgy cop drama.
Alessandro shuddered. “Ooh, so hardcore.”

I like that they reviewed their history with honesty:
“Back then I just wanted to get to know you better. After I received the invitation to your trials, I looked you up on Instagram. I thought you were cute.
I followed you and you deleted your account. I was intrigued.
Then I came to invite you for a drive, and you called the cops on me.”

and Linus:
“Follow me,” Linus ordered. “And cheer up. We’re about to embark on a killing spree accompanied by massive property damage. Try to have fun.”
Re-Read 11-2021. I see how this one was harder to get in to, Catalina is not Nevada and we were in Nevada's life for 3 books. Catalina is having to go thru life experiences to break her down before she can have a real relationship with Alessandro. Yes, it breaks our hearts and yes, Alessandro is harder to relate to than Rogan was, but this next book should open things up, right??

Catalina has made a friend, Runa, and is obligated to find her friends murderer. It opens up a whole new world of assassins and now Catalina will be deputized?? This is all deep plots.

2nd read Aug 2020.
Great story, love the banter, what's there to say other than I sped thru it on my way to the next book.
I do love the world building and all the action.