A review by literarylover37
The Boy Who Lost Fairyland by Catherynne M. Valente


I had held off on reading this one for over a year because I loved the first 3 and didn't want the series to end. But now that the 5th book (which I ordered last July) has arrived, I plowed through this one. Even that verb shows how I felt about this one. This is the first Fairyland book I've given less than five stars to and unfortunately I think the work suffered in comparison to the rest of the series. There was not as much joy in this book and I felt like the wording and language, which had been whimsical and endearing in the first 3, felt forced and grated a bit on me in this one. Sad to say. I'm going to take a break in between this one and the final one so that hopefully this series can maintain it's place on my favorites shelf.