A review by catherine_t
The Camelot Caper by Elizabeth Peters


Jessica is in England, at the request of her estranged grandfather. But from the moment her ship arrived in Southampton, strange things have been happening. Someone tried to take her suitcase while she was waiting for a taxi. Then the same man cornered her in the chapter house of Salisbury Cathedral. She escaped him and hopped on a bus, without any idea of where it was going. Fortunately, she met with David Randall in a pub when she got off the bus in a small village. He offers to drive her to London. She takes him up on it, because to be honest, she doesn't have any choice.

Lucky for her, David is a writer of Gothic thrillers. And if anything, her life is suddenly beginning to resemble such a fiction...

I enjoy Peters' Amelia Peabody mysteries. This book--I'm not sure if it's part of a series or a stand-alone, though I suspect the latter--is not as good as those. I was never sure if it was meant as a parody of Gothic thrillers (Peters name-checks Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey) or a serious attempt at one. I found the romantic sub-plot utterly predictable, but perhaps it was meant to be. In any case, I didn't enjoy this book as much as some of her others.