A review by sde
Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life by Eric Klinenberg


I heard the author speak at a conference, and he was very engaging. As I librarian, I am all for people who promote libraries as vital to the community! I also thought his study of the fate of neighborhoods with similar demographics but different sorts of social infrastructure during a Chicago heat wave was fascinating. That was the topic of a previous book of his, but he refers to it in this one.

He makes excellent points about social infrastructure and the building of community across different sorts of people as being vital to health, happiness, safety, and the economy. I completely agree that this factors need to be considered more in planning, development, and service programs. I just felt that he said it too many times or went off on tangents a bit. Think this may have been better as a long form article, such as in the New Yorker.