A review by thebookhaze
From Ashes by Molly McAdams


I did not realize that this was the same author who wrote Taking Chances. This is how much I wanted to forget her. I HATED Taking Chances, and if I had known that this book was by the same author, I never would've started reading it. As it is, I wasted almost 4 hours of my life I will never ever get back.

Yes, almost 4 hours, and there was still about 40% of the book left to go! I wanted to finish it because I'd invested so much time on it and it was hard to cut my losses, but when I reached the part with the policeman, I just gave up trying to make excuses to redeem the story.

So many things wrong with it, oh where do I begin?


Characters that don't stay true to their characters and make no sense to me.

SpoilerTyler, for example, spend 11 years taking care of Cassi, and then once he got her out of her abusive home, started lying to her and manipulating her? Then he pressures her into becoming his girlfriend and having sex with him. When she rejects him because she's not ready, he gets mad and goes out and brings a girl back to have sex with, in front of her! Kicks her out of the house into the freezing cold, without a phone or coat or anything! Which causes her to freeze so badly that she ends up in the hospital.

So then Gage and Cassi ends up together, and Tyler of course hates Gage's guts, and does everything he can to break them up. While Gage and Tyler are still going out to breakfast together. Of course. *rolls eyes*

Then one night at a party, Gage and Tyler are fighting, and other guys get involved because, *everyone* is in love with Cassi! So Gage accidentally hurts Cassi, and drama happens, blah blah blah...

Gage and Cassi are now on rocky grounds but they did not break up. They're just trying to work things out. Tyler calls Cassi in the middle of the same night, telling her that her house has been burned down and her parents might be in there. So Cassi leaves with Tyler, leaving a vague message for Gage that makes him think they're over, because of course.

Funnily enough, that's when Tyler suddenly decides to be a good guy and calls Gage to let him know that Cassi is with him because her parents' house have burned down, and telling Gage to hang in there because Cassi loves him.

OMG, make up your mind, Tyler! Do you want them together or not?!

That's not the only problem though. After 11 years of abusing Cassi every.single.day, and even sending her a text message on her 18th birthday after having taken $100K from Cassi's bank account that her father left for her and actually saying "Happy you-killed-your father day" to Cassi, her mother decides to turn over a new leaf, get sober, changes her will to leave everything to Cassi, writes her a heartfelt apology, and kills herself and her husband, who had also been abusing Cassi every day for 11 years!

People don't change like that! No matter how much you want them to! Real life isn't that convenient!

Still, I tried to get past all those things. I really tried. But when Cassi started making out with Connor after having read her mother's will, because they had this "connection", while she was still with Gage. I just... I just can't anymore.

I read some other reviews and apparently it gets worse! So yeah, I might've lost 4 hours, but I'm glad I didn't lose more.

I will remember the author's name this time, so I know never to read another book she writes.