A review by laurapatriciarose
Lily and the Christmas Wish by Keris Stainton


Originally posted on:> http://lauraslittlebookblog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/book-review-lily-and-christmas-wish-by.html

I have literally wanted to read ALL the Christmas books this year, so when I saw the gorgeous cover for Lily and the Christmas Wish, I could not wait to pick this up.

This is such a cute, magical story that I picked up and then realised I had finished it within 2 hours. Lily and the Christmas Wish is a great read for all ages and the fact that I finished this so quickly, shows you how easily it was to get lost in this gorgeous little story.

Keris Stanton transports us to the wonderful little village of Pinewood at Christmas time, with shops like Kates Kakes and of course wonderful characters. Lily and her brother James are so sweet and don't get me started on Bug the Pug! I desperately want a talking pug now.

I think what really stood out for me whilst reading this was how it managed to be diverse in it's story telling, that I found very refreshing.

A wonderful, magical short story that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Christmas time.