A review by juliettechihyu
Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases by NISIOISIN



I love murder mysteries. I went through a phase where I binge watched Detective Conan and other locked-room-murder shows but, oddly enough, it never occurred to me to actually read a mystery novel, despite my great love for reading.

By pure chance, I found this book in my local charity shop for only 2 euros and, having already watched and loved the anime, I decided to pick it up. I'm so glad I did.

It's a short read and that's absolutely perfect- it means that it gets straight into the case and there's no waffling around with unnecessary scenes. Each page contained a new and interesting revelation that left me surprised and eager to continue.

THIS BOOK It's sooooo clever. I can't stress enough how genuinely clever it is. The case, the clues, the deductions- they're all so complex and, honestly, compared to the amazing minds and intellect of the characters, I was left feeling rather stupid as I could never have figured out anything remotely close to that myself. The writer does an excellent job of explaining things though, so even an idiot like me could understand the reasoning and train of thoughts of the characters.
Despite the gruesome nature of the murders (which also held a good deal of morbid appeal, in my creepy ass opinion), humour is generously scattered throughout the book, making this serial murder case highly amusing. Wait...that came out wrong. I meant that the way the characters went about deducing it and their dialogue was amusing, not the actual murders.

I highly recommend reading this- though you may be slightly confused by the strange names and some of the terminology if you are not already familiar with the world of Death Note. The only bad aspect I can think of, in regard to this book, would be the fact that it left me craving more amazing murder mystery novels and I doubt I'd find many that can match up to the wit and exciting pacing of this one (bonus: with characters I already love and know from watching the anime).