A review by leahtd
Modern Love by Beau North


I received a NetGalley copy for an honest review.

While I enjoyed the characters and some of the millennial vibe behind the book, it was just too short and the timeline too rushed. The book would suddenly jump months and then just casually mention it, which didn't give Allie and Will's relationship the time, description and tension it needed to really hit it out of the park. I liked the characters at the start., but as the book progressed I found myself wanting to know more about them and to have a deeper understanding of who they were. I did really enjoy the fact that Allie was bisexual and was getting over her last relationship, and Will really took that all in stride.

The book has some great lines such as this on page 19, "How hard is it to just meet someone at, say, a bookstore? Or at the gym? Or in a cooking class? Isn’t that how every chick flick started? Two sexy people meet, have an equal exchange of appreciating glances and hurled insults, and eventually fall in love?" As a millennial I found myself identifying with this. Again, the book started off really strong with this cool millennial vibe but then kind of lost it's uniqueness as the book went on.
