A review by mar_reads7
The Nanny by Lana Ferguson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
I couldn't figure out if there was a plot outside of the romance and I like my books with a little bit of both. 
The pacing is horrendous. I kept having to force myself to pick the book up, I kept forgetting I was reading this and rolling my eyes when I reached for my current read and remembered it was this. 
I have one huge gripe with the characters: 
I simply cannot believe anyone can think that Aiden is a good father. At least not at the start of the book. I understand that he has career aspirations. And yes, they are important. But he is already rich, he can afford a full time live in nanny, he could very well wait for a better time to go this hard at pursuin his career. His daughter is more important than his job, especially considering that her mother has just recently passed. Cassie keeps saying he's a good dad because he's trying, but he is not trying hard enough as far as I'm concerned. I don't even think he's doing the bare minimum. I also don't appreciate that the book seems to be villainising Iris for wanting what's best for her niece. She isn't wrong. Aiden cannot appropriately take care of her. I would absolutely read a book where the author makes it clear that the main characters are in the wrong. I would root against them and have the time of my life. That's not what this book is doing. This book is giving me a man too proud to admit that what's best for him isn't what's best for his daughter and a woman who's so focused on how hot her boss is that she's actively enabling his neglect. All while expecting me to empathise with them. I can't do that. And maybe towards the end of the book these issues are resolved, I wouldn't know, but having read more than a quarter of the book, I get the sense that the author will tell me everyone's happy and fine instead of showing me, because that's all the start of the book was, a whole lot of telling and no showing. This isn't the writing style for me.

A lot of the other reviewers seemed to have loved it though, so don't let me dissuade you if you really want to read it. I didn't make it to any of the sex scenes and that seems to be everyone's part of the book so keep that in mind.

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