A review by jensreadinglife
Left For Dead by Caroline Mitchell


2-1/2 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for supplying a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Left For Dead is the third book in the mystery series featuring DI Amy Winter. While shopping with her sister, Amy notices a mannequin that looks a little too lifelike and discovers the body of a young woman. As the details of her death emerge, the case is eerily similar to an unsolved case from years past. While Amy investigates this death, she is also dealing with her birth mother being on trial for murder.

It is often the case that you can jump into the middle of a series and catch on quickly to the events of precious entries. I did not find that to be the case with this novel. The way Amy's backstory was shared throughout the book felt very disjointed. You would often be in the middle of Amy's thoughts about the current case when a rogue paragraph about her past would be inserted in a way that made little sense to me.

While it took me awhile to get into the book, once I did, the plot really took off. I'm not a huge fan of knowing whodunnit from the beginning but I can see why the author made that choice here. The denouement was still quite a ride. This was a miss for me but if you are interested in this series, I would say to start from the beginning to get the full details of Amy's backstory.