A review by jess_mango
The Dark Matter of Mona Starr by Laura Lee Gulledge


A graphic novel about a high school girl who starts being swallowed by the "dark matter" of her depression after her best friend moves to Hawaii. Mona is sad when Nash moves away and feels alone at school. She feels surrounded by her dark matter telling her that she isn't good enough and that no one likes her. Slowly, she starts making connections with other students and learning to push away her dark matter.

This was a heartfelt novel that definitely attempts to offer some guidance on working through your own darkness. There is even a Self-Care Plan worksheet at the end of the book.

What to listen to while reading...
The book includes a listing of songs on Mona's Soundtrack at the end. Here are a few...
Dark Matter by Andrew Bird
Break Down by Florence & the Machine
While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles
Invincible by Muse