A review by maeverose
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire

Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
DNFed @47%

I’m definitely losing interest in this series, it’s getting boring for me. I may jump to Lost in the Moment and Found, but otherwise I’m not gonna continue.

As I mentioned in my review for the previous book, this series is much more character and worldbuilding explanation focused than plot or world exploration focused, and that doesn’t work for me. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that at all, I think these books are very well written and well done, it’s just not what I personally want from the series.

This book felt very slow to me, the characters don’t get to the Moors until 43% in, and it focused very heavily on characters’ inner monologues and rehashed a lot of what we learned about them in previous books. I understand why it’s written that way, since you’re supposed to be able to read the books in almost any order, you wouldn’t know the characters or their backstories if you started with this one. But for me it just felt like it was dragging out the plot and I was waiting for things to get started. Even once they got to the Moors though, it was still so focused on the characters’ inner monologues that I just decided I wasn’t interested enough.

It didn’t bother me with the previous books, but most of the characters in this series don’t talk like real people talk, especially kids/teens. Seanan Mcguire writes a lot of the dialogue in a similar way to how she writes the narration (very pretty and neatly worded), just with a little of each character’s personality added. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it feels intentional, but it’s starting to annoy me personally. People having an actual conversation wouldn’t be able to come up with such a perfectly thought out, well worded and almost poetic response on the spot. It reminds me I’m reading a book with fictional characters. It’s probably more obvious in this book because of the way characters raised in the Moors talk, but I have noticed it with all the books and most of the characters.

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