A review by e333mily
Água Viva by Clarice Lispector


lispector is: the urgency and desperation of trying to articulate something words can’t quite capture. a sudden moment of clarity at 3 o’clock in the morning. the space between dreaming and wakefulness.

“Ah living is so uncomfortable. Everything pinches: the body demands, the spirit doesn’t stop, living is like being tired and not being able to sleep—”

“To create a being out of oneself is very serious. I am creating myself. And walking in complete darkness in search of ourselves is what we do. It hurts. But these are the pains of childbirth: a thing is born that is. Is itself.”

“I am—despite everything oh despite everything—am being joyful in this instant-now that passes if I don’t capture it in words. I am being joyful in this very instant because I refuse to be defeated: so I love.”