A review by shelfishchar
Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams


sarah adams is one of my new auto-buy authors, and all it took to get her on there was "when in rome" -- and this one is no exception!!!!

i loved will and annie's dynamic and while there are light instances of miscommunication, i like that that isn't the main source of their problem. there's no third act break-up surrounded by it, and even with the slight hiccups of it their communication is actually really good, especially considering. it translates the fact that will is the only person annie feels comfortable being herself with really well. it helps really paint the fact that they bring the best out in each other. annie sticking up for herself, will realizing he wants to go back to school, them showing each other they want more from life than they imagined.

will usually runs at the first sign of domesticity but when he stays over annie's for the second time, he isn't scared off when she calls him out on it. when will suggests that annie wants more than what she's pictured for herself, she's quick to dismiss it but isn't against the idea of him being the one to help her figure herself out. they just work so well together in their partnership, it's refreshing and something we don't see in a lot of romance. it's nice to see adults sort of act like adults (lol) and the relationship just seems so realistic.

anyway 5 stars and sarah adams i love you