A review by hegm13
Special Forces - Veterans by Aleksandr Voinov, Vashtan, Marquesate


*Pretty much full of spoilers, and not much of a review. I just need to vent after the emotionally taxing experience that was "Special Forces"

Ugh I was literally (not an exaggeration) bawling my eyes out through the first few chapters where they drifted apart in angry and depressed silence. This estrangement was even more soul wrenching than the few times they really hardcore fought (i.e. after Vadim got out of jail and took off then came back or when Vadim found out Dan had sex with his wife). The sudden downward spiral of their relatoinship just had such a sense of helplessness to it and a resignation to be disconnected and miserable without even trying to figure things out. But after Vadim took Dan on their little spontanteous mountain retreat and they started to work through their issues (life-altering fisting part II) it worked up to a pleasant ending that I am happy to have reached after 2 straight weeks of binge reading the Special Forces series. I can't say I would put my heart through the trauma of re-reading this series tho. It had some really rough times that took an emotional toll, but the culminations of the whole story was well worth the heartache. I may re-read Soldiers in the future and just imagine that at the end Vadim and Dan made it out okay and lived happy ever in the Scottish countryside instead of putting myself through the bullshit and angst of Mercenaries and some of Veterans again. That being said, I would still ABSOLUTELY 100% recommend this series with out a doubt