A review by worldofjoel
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by Simon Sinek


A month ago Jenn handed me a copy of Leaders Eat Last. She said at the end of the novel Simon Sinek asks the reader to pass the book on to other leaders. She was nice enough to pass it to me so over the last month I've been reading the book Readers Eat Last. Just from the title, it's a book that spoke to me in a big way. And although I've never read a Simon Sinek book before I had heard great things.

I will say that I think the core concepts of Leaders Eat Last are both simple in nature but incredibly powerful. For a leader and an employee to accomplish anything, there needs to be a "circle of safety." It's a hard concept to argue against. In order for employees to perform you need to ensure that they understand that you have their back, through thick and thin. The layoff mentality of current corporate America Sinek proposes is one of the worst things that has happened to American workers.

Where Leaders Eat Last lost me though was Sinek's heavy overemphasis on psychology and psychology terms. It's not a bad thing, but he hits that hammer so many times by the end of the book I felt like the message had been dulled. His point for focusing so closely on the psychology of the American workforce is the constant push to hit metrics, hit new highs in the stock market, and to constantly get the dopamine kick.

I really appreciated a lot of the concepts of Leaders Eat Last. But after conversations with Jenn I figured out what my biggest gripe was with this book. It was written for executives. Sure I'd love to be an executive one day but I'm not anywhere near that at this point. And so although I think there are some great things to grasp from Leaders Eat Last, it's a book that's primary focus is on the leader of companies.