A review by morgans_lit_life
The Perfect Neighbors by Sarah Pekkanen


If you like thrillers where lots of things happen, you may be disappointed. The pages were dripping with suspense, but I was left high and dry. I'm really debating as to whether I want 2 or 3 stars. Maybe 2.5. The characters' lives were interesting, but as a whole I was also disappointed because I was promised more and some of the plotlines were handled badly. Actually, this isn't the thriller it was marketed as. It's purely suspense with a side dish of nothing happening.

Yes, Tessa's story was interesting. But I was able to get a good idea of what happened, and there was no big reveal to the other women about the crime she committed. So what's the point then, of showing us three or four different women if their stories don't even really intertwine and there are no reveals to them? And then there was the matter of it being a cold case. So her problem just disappears, 1 2 3 poof? I was also disappointed that after we watch one character harbor nasty thoughts about her husband's new wife, she randomly wakes up one day and decides to forgive them! That's how her story is basically solved. I was hoping for a lot more bad behavior from her (for story purposes). Rather than just her stewing over it.

I really wanted to like this and it had a ton of potential. But alas, it wasn't that way.