A review by youngling80
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by Jon Krakauer

challenging emotional informative


 Well, that was harrowing. John Krakauer's Missoula is an incredibly articulate and exhaustive look at the struggles and cases of rape victims in a college town.

The majority of the book is quoted from documented sources - transcripts of conversations with law enforcement officers or legal representatives, communications (letters/emails/texts) between parties involved, official court documents and transcripts, evidence from cases, etc. ... it's a comprehensive look at what was occurring both personally for the victims and legally within their cases. And frankly, it's shocking. As per his purpose in writing the book, Krakauer does a fantastic job of presenting why instances of rape are so vastly underreported and representing the challenges for victims who do. And he does so in a way that is clear and well-documented. He doesn't rely on sentimental arguments throughout the book, though it is, admittedly, difficult to not feel deeply about the content therein. It should be noted that his book does not address why rape is such a prevalent issue at large, on college campuses, or among athletes in particular, and thus, does not address the questions of how we as a society solve this. (I only include this point because some of the harshest criticism of this book is directed at this point, and at the extensive use of primary sources which some felt was "dry". I clearly did not concur with these opinions.) This was the first Krakauer book I have read, but it will not be the last. I, for one, am extremely grateful to the author for acknowledging his ignorance in this area, and subsequent time he devoted to interviewing rape survivors, counselors, and doctors in order to rectify that ignorance. This book is a labor of love to the victims of sexual assault, and I applaud his efforts in this endeavor.

I'm not going to lie ... this one was a bitter read for me. I could only digest small portions at a time before feeling so disgusted (with predatory men, with the criminal justice system, etc.) that I would be forced to set it aside and decompress. And that's as it should be. Missoula isn't a book that should be consumed voraciously. When dealing with a topic with the gravitas of rape, one should be unsettled and sit with that perturbation. As grueling as it was, I was determined to finish it before the month's end, as it had been chosen as my read for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
I'm glad I did, but I am left with a myriad of questions in the wake of this book ... questions about how I teach my daughter how to live in world where her safety can't be guaranteed - even with trusted friends. Questions about how to raise my son to be a man that respects women and understands consent. Questions about how to help my children become respectful and loving partners. Questions about how to help my children learn to be decent human beings, because even if the specific incidents shared in this book weren't cases of rape, they were clearly indicative of young men who had absolutely no regard for their sexual partners, and were only concerned with the gratification of their own desires. That is, perhaps, the scariest part ... multiple people went to bat for these young men, insisting that they were "good" ,"kind", and "moral" young men with ... yet when push came to shove, these men, at best, took advantage of people who trusted them - people who were smaller and physically weaker than themselves ... and, at worst, they committed heinous acts of violence without regard for the feelings of others. I am sure the mothers of these young men would never have thought that their sons would be capable of such things, and yet ...

So where does that leave me? This book has unmoored me, and I'm not sure I'll feel I'll regain an equilibrium until I've searched out answers to those questions and have plans in place for books to read with my kids and conversations I and my husband will be having on a regular basis with them.

A hard read, but one I highly recommend.