A review by screamdogreads
The Blood by E.S. Thomson


"What wickedness might walk amongst us here, hidden in plain sight, concealed by the urgent press of bodies, the scramble for money, for life? I will tell you."

Once again we find ourselves on the cold, dark streets of Victorian London for another installment in the Jem Flockhart series. This is a beautifully crafted novel, from the stunning and evocative writing, to the delicious little mystery, it's just all so wonderful. Victorian London is brought alive in the most vibrant of ways. The cramped, stench ridden spaces of The Blood will almost have you recoiling, the cool, crisp night air will almost give you a chill.

 "I wish I was there beside her, dead too, so that I might keep her company in the grave, at least. But then the medical men come, and even that dream is taken from me." 

Perhaps one of the most impressive things about this series is how it manages to address some rather serious talking points while not once bogging down the story. E.S Thomson has managed to elequently tackle the treatment of the poor and mentally ill, gender identity, racism, sexism, and the questionable moral standards of medicine at the time, all while fitting these topics into the framework of a murder mystery.

This is by far my favorite in the Jem Flockhart series so far, each book just keeps getting better.