A review by crookedtreehouse
4001 A.D.: Beyond New Japan by Robert Venditti, Jody Houser, Jeff Lemire


A completely unnecessary companion volume to the mediocre [b:4001 A.D.|30058117|4001 A.D.|Matt Kindt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1550502717l/30058117._SY75_.jpg|50469986], this is a series of short stories about what familiar Valiant characters are doing on Earth during or shortly after the end of the main 4001 AD series. None of the stories have time to breathe, and since they're all set 2,000 years in the future from the previous times we've seen their characters, there isn't really any emotional punch to any of the stories.

I feel bad because all of the writers and artists involved in this volume are good, but none of them did anything particularly interesting with the conceit.

Even if you'r a die-hard Valiant fan, you can skip this one. It's not terrible, it's just boring, and doesn't really add any flavor to any of the characters or the overall lore of the Valiant Universe.