A review by b00kr3vi3ws
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie by Tami Kidd


Mara Byrne has the perfect life. She has been married for 30 years to the man she fell in love with at eighteen. He is her best friend, her lover and definitely her better half. She is also a successful author of “Alex Strange” mystery series. She is happily settled in her daily routine until Thomas Byrne suddenly dies of aneurysm. Still grieving, she unexpectedly comes across a love letter in Thomas’s bank locker. She starts questioning her life with her husband and decides that the best way to tackle the situation would be to confront the writer of the letter. What she doesn’t realize is that by trying to identify the person who wrote the letter, she was about to set motion to a chain of incidents. Who wrote the letter? Was Thomas really having an affair without Mara realizing it? Does Mara find her closure and finally heal? Will she be able to live her life without Thomas? You have to read the book to find out.

What I liked about the book was its simplicity. The simplicity in the author’s style of storytelling and her language really makes it easy for us to get into it. Once I started reading and built a rhythm, it was like I could practically imagine the author ‘telling’ me the story. There’s simplicity in the plot too. There are no sub plots or parallel stories and so it makes it easier for the readers to follow the plot. There are no complicated characters that would make you keep changing your opinion about them. They are all what they seem to be. And the best part is that, even with a single storyline, simple plot and very straightforward characters, the story never feels bland and it will manage to keep you turning the pages.

I must admit that there were a few typos – nothing major to distract you from the story. Overall it made a very interesting and fast read with the right amount of emotions, suspense and action.