A review by adotp
The Clothing of Books by Jhumpa Lahiri


I mean I'll read a book about tiles and walls if Jhumpa Lahiri writes it.

She's one of those writers I wish I could be best of friends with. To know her, to know how her mind works. And I'm so glad she's writing personal non fiction about things that matter to her, because I get a glimpse on how she works. I'd devour it like a prayer.

In this one, she talks about book covers- something I didn't know I cared about. I want them to be beautiful and I want them to mean something. I want to read the book and say Ah! that's what this is about. That I remember feeling when I read Half Blood Prince.

I can see why people wouldn't like this book, but I get to know my favourite author a bit more, and that's why I loved this.