A review by books_n_blossoms
A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by Carolyn Miller


This was such a great book! There was SO much going on I don't know how to review all of the pieces in a short way.

Caroline was rather uppity at the start of the story and she was easy to not care a whit about. When her circumstances take a hit because of her association with a man who has gotten himself into a scandal, she heads to her Grandmama's. And sakes alive, Caroline is definitely cut from the same cloth as her grandmother!

Their complete opposites come in the form of Emma and Gideon, who are kind, thoughtful, and don't act so high and mighty. They're easy to care for, especially with Emma's poor health and all she's been through with her husband. When Caroline meets their acquaintance they all fall into a quick friendship.

SO much is covered in this story: science vs Bible, spousal abuse, and unwanted pregnancy to name just a few.

I loved how the author handled the science vs Bible storyline through Gideon's character. How a person can stay true to their faith while believing the evidence of science. I also appreciated how the author covered Caroline's struggle with understanding what believing in God looks like. It's how I imagine many unbelievers wrestle with it when presented with Scripture and are questioning.

I can't wait to read the next two books about Caroline's sisters! This is a great start to getting to know the family!