A review by readaroundtherosie
Dream by Natalia Jaster


First, I'd like to acknowledge the genuine love I have for this series. Foolish Kingdoms began as one single novel in Trick, and we got to watch, over the years, as Natalia Jaster blew this world wide open, with science and magic and romance and angst and the constant slow burn and such beautiful atmosphere and writing.

I've been saying for years that reading Jaster's books is like finding my happy place, over and over. In Dream, the fourth and final novel, we get to see our precious Nicu come into his own person, prove he's brave, and strong, and capable, in so many ways. We get to love Lyrik, who's fragile, and so eager to leave rather than be left. One dreamer and one rouge, fighting to hate each other but can't help to love instead.

We get to watch the overarching story arc that's been building for four books come to a head, and see the entire ensemble interact in the best way.

We often see companion series end with a book that brings the entire cast together while also trying to introduce new characters. This can usually be pretty annoying- either the old characters take up too much space, or you just don't care about the new characters. Jaster has woven this series so wonderfully that having the entire ensemble in this last instalment detracts nothing, it only adds to the happy feels and just feels so right.

This book brings the entire series full circle, and honestly, it was practically perfection. I adored it. Hell, I plan to re-read this entire series over again just so I can bask in the beauty.

If you're a fan of romance, fantasy, passion, beauty, joy, and agnst, please please please do yourself a favour- get the ebooks, read them ASAP. Dream comes out February 21st!