A review by alannajane
The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Ken Robinson


Hands down, one of the most inspirational and motivational audiobooks I have ever read.

Sir Ken Robinson has an incredible outlook on how every single individual is creative, intelligent and uniquely talented. Fostering the bridge of natural talent and passion (that he dubs The Element) in each unique individual is how he believes that we will all reach our greatest potential and happiness, while contributing our best to both our local communities and the world. And frankly, I am absolutely with him on this. He tells the amazing stories of so many inspiring people, while weaving a narrative of necessary systemic changes that need to occur. Given that this book is a dozen years old, there are a few cringe-worthy phrases that distract from his overall inclusive manifesto. But, otherwise, it is even more relevant today than it was when it was published. As we all watch old systems crack and crumble, The Element certainly has many points of interest that should be considered as we endeavour to build a new world.

Audiobook is wonderfully read by the author.