A review by serialromancelibrarian
The Mortal Coil: Medousa & Perseus by Eris Adderly


*** Book Q & A***

* How did the book make you feel?: This book took me awhile to read because it was a lot to digest. I feel the author did this myth a great service in this re-imagining.

* How do you feel about how the story was told?: I loved the attention to detail and the amount of historical research the author dedicated to this novel. I enjoyed the use of Ancient Greek terminology. The settings were well-described and the characters were well-fleshed out.

* What did you think about the main characters?: I have always been obsessed with Medousa (Medusa) for some reason. I always felt she got a very raw deal. I think Mrs. Adderly did her a great service in giving her a HEA. I really loved how she wrote Perseus as an alpha sub. That was a fascinating dichotomy. The gorgons were so fascinating.

* Which parts of the book stood out to you?: The initial Domme-sub scenes were all kinds of intense, but well-written. It’s not usually my cuppa, but the author handled it so well in my opinion.

* What themes/tropes did you detect in the story?: revenge, Donne-sub, BDSM, mythology retelling, Villian-turned-hero, enemies to lovers

* What did you think about the ending?: I enjoyed the amount of detail and creative retelling.

* What is your impression of the author?: I’m a forever fan of this author. I look forward to the sequel.

Possible Triggers and Safety: rape, sexual torture and humiliation