A review by jwlahn
All-New X-Men Vol. 7: The Utopians by Brian Michael Bendis


It's really annoying that all of the Black Vortex issues are being released both in the Black Vortex collection and also in their separate series collections. There is no point in even trying to read these issues seperate from the other chapters of the event. Realistically, they're only included because the final collection would only have the 2 non-event issues. Sadly those issues aren't great either. Once again, they're forced to set up and wrap up a new arc quickly before Secret Wars takes over. And there is a pretty big bomb dropped about an original X-Man which would have more resonance if the series didn't apparently end right away, leaving another writer (presumably) to decide whether to do anything with that plot thread post-Secret Wars (assuming it doesn't just get retconned out of existence immediately). Disappointing end to this