A review by izzys_internet_bookshelf
Among the Beasts & Briars by Ashley Poston



now this one I am very disappointed about. I've had this on my TBR for a long time and was very excited to read it. There were defiantly parts the made me laugh but overall, there were parts that made me uncomfortable. which is why I forced myself to stop reading this beautiful cover book. I love Ashley Poston in what she did with Heart of Iron and I was super excited to read this book as well as her other books she has released. Sadly this one did not go over well for me. I loved the characters ( especially Fox ) and the setting. but the type magic in the story is what made me unconformable. I also got pretty far in the book, which was surprising, considering how I felt about it since the sixth chapter. I deeply hope her other books will make up for me having to DNF this one.