A review by villianess
One Mississippi by Mark Childress


In reading this book, it had a way of taking me back to my teen years and some of the crazy things that I did. To see life through a 17 year old boys mind was not only interesting but a little disturbing. To harbor revenge and not let offenses to and what that can do to a person, gave me pause to think, about the times in my life that I have done the same thing. I haven't taken it to the extent that Tim did, but have wanted to a couple of time. I just found other releases. The book takes a turn in the end that I didn't see coming. One statement that Tim makes is, "In a world of 3 billion people, how can I feel so alone." It is something that I have thought a lot about since finishing the book. How many people at work, church, etc are there with a canned smile and yet feeling alone?
Would I recommend this book.... you have to know that there are sexual thought, hello a 17 year old boy, and swearing, but not altogether a bad read.