A review by thebookishstephanie
To Cage a God by Elizabeth May

To Cage a God first captured my attention with that stunning cover art. A political fantasy set in an Imperial Russia-like setting, with cruel nobles, oppression, secret identities and sapphic romance: it sounds like a perfect read for me.

I thoroughly enjoyed the political element to the story and think it was really well done. It was what kept me reading because I really wanted to know what happened next. And in speaking of that, the pacing was a little clunky at times but the plot kept me intrigued enough to push through the slow parts.

I think that it was the actual writing that stopped me from really loving this one. I love a fantasy that has vivid descriptions, whereas May's writing feels very straight to the point without that fantastical element or world-building, which did keep me confused for parts.

Thank you to the publisher for an e-arc. All opinions are my own.