A review by _moreofmeg
Surviving Home by Katerina Canyon


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

CW: Child Abuse and Neglect, Racial Trauma, SA.
“Surviving Home” by @poehtickat was captivating and so very raw. I would say that it is necessary to practice self-care prior to reading, during and after. It took me quite some time to finish because as an empath I tend to take on stories as if they are my own. In this collection there aren’t many “sighs of relief” to be had or poems that raise the mood to a “happier” note and I applaud the author for this. I believe that it was intentionally done this way and it drove the collection home for me. There are so many poems that I could highlight, but I believe my favorite was Thoracic Biology. The quote that stuck with me from it was “For the most part I want to learn to let go, to hurt a little less. My heart is what hurts the most.” Kudos to @poehtickat for this collection and thank you to @bookpublicityservices for the ARC