A review by seeinghowitgoes
Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews


Ilona Andrews always excels with strong, admirable heroines. Audrey is a pleasure to read, she's got a massive chip on her shoulder concerning family, is an unrivaled locksmith and more importantly, doesn't have superhuman fighting skills while not being a wilting lily.

Kaldar was an interesting choice for a hero, I hadn't thought much of his character in Bayou Moon and was initially a bit disappointed when he rocked up again. Any misgivings are quickly lost though, he's fiercely loyal to family, a smart arse with a weakness for arses and smart. They're a pleasure to read and although the pacing of their relationship is ridiculously fast, the book doesn't feel rushed at all.

A surprise pleasure was the reappearance of George and Jack, the enigmatic brothers of Fate's Edge, they easily stole the book and I can only secretly hope that the edge series will run long enough to eventually feature their stories.