A review by wordfey
Hurricane Fever by Tobias S. Buckell


The worldbuilding is excellent, the setting and its contingent issues handled well, the action sequences thrilling. Loved Roo as a character. Some side-character sketches done well. Unfortunately, there was a general lack of character development--many times we're told, rather than shown, the evolution of character relationships and ideas. Kit was the worst offender: next to nonexistent, for all that she was there for most of the novel. Several plot points fell flat or felt perfunctory. A certain person's death served little purpose--just so that Roo could feel strong emotions and not act thoughtfully, even though he'd been like that before the death anyway. The villain suspended my disbelief--he was just a cut-and-paste monologuing psychopath with a refrigeratored wife. Maybe things would have been different if I had read Arctic Rising first? I don't know. I really wanted to like this novel.