A review by motherhorror
Creep House by Andersen Prunty


A collection of stories all taking place in the same, strange town known as Twin Springs, Ohio.

THE CALMING WOOD- This story is the perfect example of Andersen Prunty's A Game. Short. Compelling. Shocking. Memorable. I will never forget this story. Things just happen and there's no leading up to it or any hints of what's going to happen, Prunty drops horror bombs and keeps going. It's up to you, the reader to decide to keep running along after him or just surrender. This one was good.

MAY TO MAY- This was a nope. I felt like something hideous and nasty would happen and I was not let down. But I didn't like it.

CANDY HEART- Love this story. One of those werewolf stories I will always try to keep in my pocket for upcoming werewolf recommendations. This story and the first one are worth the price of admission.

RUNNING FROM THE ROSES- "The roses were hungry" The eventual death of a woman's granny is the catalyst for some unsettling revelations. I actually didn't quite get what happened the first time I read this story, so on a later date, I re-read it and everything clicked into place. I think there's one section of story that a reader needs to really pay attention to in order to understand what happens in the end and perhaps I missed it the first time around. I like this one.

THE MAN WHO HATED STEPHEN KING- A horror story for fans of Stephen King. *nervous laugh*

THE EXISTENTIAL DREAD OF COMPLACENCY- I have a love/hate relationship with this story. Again, now that I'm acquainted with Andersen Prunty's voice, this is the type of story I come to expect from him. It's immediately compelling and slightly unsettling. There's a growing tension. The ending is horrific and of course, it's extremely off-putting which is why it would be hard to recommend it to people. Prunty is like a personal favorite. I think readers should just come to his storytelling on their own terms and decide how they way to engage with it. Perhaps keeping in mind that not all of his story will land comfortably.

KING CREEP- Case in point: I quit reading this one. Too disturbing and gross. I didn't like what I was reading and I didn't want to find out where it was going.