A review by juliemawesome
Cycler by Lauren McLaughlin


I totally should've reviewed this days ago when it was still fresh in my head and not crowded out by other things. But..

Older teen Jill turns into a boy once a month for 4 days before her period. This started with puberty, but she totally hates it, so she meditates to block out the memories. This has led to her boy self developing an identity of his own -- he's Jack.

But Jack is always trapped in the house because they don't want the secret to get out. So he spends the four days looking at porn and fantasizing about Jill's best friend. Then he sneaks out, which leads to further restrictions placed on him by his parents.

Meanwhile Jill's making the moves on a boy in school, who has a secret of his own.

I didn't like either of the personas at first. I was annoyed at Jill for surpressing her boy half and annoyed at Jack for being all about the porn and the not-washing. And then the plot is about Jill chasing after this boy and putting plans into action, which you would think would be the worst YA teen plot ever. Banal and stupid and boring.

But somehow it wasn't. Somewhere along the way, I got sucked in. And then I started liking the characters. And then it took a few turns I wasn't expecting. And then it ended really cool.

I'm ready to read the sequel.